29004 Malaga
Tuesday: Abierta las 24 horas
Wednesday: Abierta las 24 horas
Thursday: Abierta las 24 horas
Friday: Abierta las 24 horas
Saturday: Abierta las 24 horas
Sunday: Abierta las 24 horas
Short stay parking at Malaga airport if you have to go to another city or country for work or holidays.
Long stay parking at Malaga airport ideal for those who are only on the Costa del Sol on holiday.
We offer a car wash and maintenance service to keep your car in perfect condition at all times.
We have guards and a first class security system, so we guarantee that nothing will happen to your car while it is in the car park.
We take you to the airport, with our shuttle service, there will always be someone waiting to drop you off at the airport gates.
Many people leave their cars in the airport car park, risking the possibility of tragedy. Airport parking lends itself to many things, including vandalism to your car.
Obviously, this is not the best option available to you, as you will be taking the risk of something happening. The best option is undoubtedly to choose a private car park, as this way you will be leaving your car in a safe place.
So, next time you need to travel, choose to leave your car in a private car park instead of the airport car park. It's an economical way to help you get away without any worries.
If you are looking for an option to avoid leaving your car in the airport car park, we are the best option. In our private car park, your car will be completely safe and protected, as we have the best security staff.
We offer you a comfortable and, above all, economical option that will allow you to enjoy all our services. Not only do we offer a place for you to leave your car, but we also offer transfer services, repairs and more.
Your car will be in the best possible hands, so you'll be able to go on your trip without any problems and when you arrive, your car will be just as you left it.
Raff Tatee2023-09-08 ???????????? Marco Gaspardo2023-06-10 Lo he utilizado 2 veces y me ha parecido muy cómodo, dejas el coche y te llevan directo al aeropuerto con un van, tardas 5 minutos. Igual a la vuelta, les llamas desde el aeropuerto y en 5 minutos llegan y te recogen. Fran Hdez2023-03-21 Great experience. We didnt need to way for a minute before they turned on the van and head us to the airport. Same thing at the round trip. Also they had the courtessy of washing my car. Nice guys. I am sure I am choosing them again for upcoming parks!
If you have any questions about the parking service or the rest of the services you can use the form at contacts and we will get back to you as soon as possible.